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Asala Products | Hair care | Oil | Coconut oil


Coconut oil

Often associated with hair loss bacterial activity on the scalp and hair roots. Acid (lauric acid) and acid (Caprylic acid) in coconut oil fatty acids are antibacterial that fights the accumulation of bacteria on the scalp and prevents hair loss indirectly. In addition, coconut oil contains vitamin (E), which contributes to grant flexibility and give the appearance of healthy hair.
Coconut oil treated scalp problems such as dandruff, skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis or severe drought. Some fatty acids found in coconut oil have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
The benefits of coconut oil for hair styling: It can be used for styling hair as an alternative to Lgel or hair wax, also works to moisturize and supple hair.
By layering coconut oil is recommended especially for curly hair and shaggy hair that tends to wrinkle.
For the first time cosmetics - product Nigella sativa oil originality of Organic - 100% natural - free of chemicals ..




Product Price:40 EGP

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